The University of Chicago

The University of Chicago Cultural Policy Center

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Set in Stone - Building America’s New Generation of Arts Facilities: 1994-2008

Look Before You Leap: Some Useful Guides

Building for the Arts: A Guidebook for the Planning and Design of Cultural Facilities.
Catherine R. Brown, William B. Fleissig, William R. Morrish. Western States Arts Foundation, 1984.

Are you Ready for a Cultural Facility Project? (PDF).
Willem Brans, Vice President, Arts Consulting Group. 2012.

City of Vancouver Cultural Facility Planning and Development Self-Assessment Checklist (PDF).

What Cultural Building Projects Can Teach Us About Big Decisions: Additional Resources (PDF).
A list of supplementary resources to accompany the video.

This bookshelf is meant to be an evolving resource. If you have suggestions for materials to add, please contact the project researchers at